I know. Silly title.
I polled my Card Buffet attendees about what type of cards they wanted to create or wanted to see at my May Card Buffet. Several responded with, get well. So, I got busy.
I came up with this darling number –
I know, picture is crooked. I promise, no day drinking.
What makes it so cute – aside from the non-centered picture – and, then, the apparent, non-adhesion to the front – is that is holds an instant soup packet on the inside! Soup is missing because I had SO many people making these, I took mine out for someone else! Just use your imagination here.
I made the little pocket no different from a gift card holder, this just happens to be able to slip the soup packet in the same sized pocket. It’s a standard 4 1/4 x 11 base, scored at 2, 7 1/7. Tear & Tape work wonderful here to keep the pocket in place!
Looks like I’ll need to send this to a couple of people who weren’t able to make it out to class as well!
This is just a cute, awesome card to have in your arsenal of cards!
Leave me some happy comments! It’s good ‘card-carma’!!
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