Yes! We can now use one hand to count the weeks until . . . . . . . . Christmas! Are you getting ready? Me? I’m workin’ on it.
I’m also workin’ on a mini banner –
Very cute, huh?
Well, I *love* to make banners for everything! Problem is, a lot of the time, they are too big to photograph. And, sometimes, they are a bit too big to mail. So, this *mini banner* is just right.
I used both the Small Tag & Large Tag Punches to create this. The DSP is retired Holiday Treasures. I really only need the scraps – just pieces large enough to punch. So, if you are a scrap keeper . . . . . this would work well for you. The card stock is Old Olive & Ridinghood Red. Yep, scraps too.
The letters are some stickers that I found in one of my stashes. I did go around each letter with a Stardust Gelly Roll Pen. Thought it needed a little more *pizzaz*, so I scribbled inside each letter as well. You can see it really well in the letters *M* and *A*. The light must have caught it just right.
This banner will be easy to mail. Like maybe to my college girl. We will see.
My projects are getting a little more easy as we get closer. Simply because I want *you* to be able to recreate them for your own *Handmade Holidays*.
Happy Stampin’
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